Which app is best for you?
When looking for a mental health app, it can be overwhelming. With over 10,000 apps [10] currently available across app stores, many consumers have difficulty in choosing an app for themselves. The most common way to select is by reading app store descriptions and reviews online [11]. Out of the top mental health apps, the most frequent mental health methods used are meditation, mindfulness, psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, and self-assessment [12]. To support the use of these elements in their aid for mental health, scientific language is a common technique used by apps to make their product seem desirable. The problem with using scientific terminology is that it is not typically backed by high-quality evidence. While the claims may have some validity, many apps do not provide scientific studies to support their use of scientific language.

However, there are some apps that share studies supporting their claims. Two of the best apps at providing studies are Calm and Headspace. Calm’s website has a section called ‘Calm Science’ where they highlight their team of scientists as well as many research publications. The studies range from mood check-ins to meditation to sleep aid, all of which support the claim that Calm is based on intense scientific research. Headspace also presents many studies based on the app. On their science page called ‘Science at Headspace’, they claim to have 27 published papers and 51 studies in progress but provide no links. However, after personally emailing their scientific team, they were more than willing to share studies legitimizing the science of Headspace.
While there is still much research that needs to be done in order to verify the science behind mental health apps, a key factor in their current success is a user’s personal experience. Many consumers use apps because of advantages such as anonymity, convenience, low cost, and 24-hour service [13]. Mental health apps provide aid to those who may not have access to or have avoided in-person mental health help in the past. For many apps, their reviews are full of people sharing stories of how the app has changed their lives. An example of a positive review on the App Store says, “[Daylio] Changed My Life!!! ❤️ I have been using this app for at least a few years and it has been an invaluable tool with a major demonstrable effect on my overall health and wellbeing.” Even if scientific evidence is lacking, a user’s experience should take priority on the effectiveness of these important tools.
Here is a start on some resources that help find the best app for you:
"I have no doubt that this field will transform mental health treatment and diagnosis."
-Dr. Tom Insel

future research
How are mental health apps changing?
Mental health apps, while relatively new, are beginning to learn how a user's personality effects their experience with an app. One study showed that extraversion, agreeableness, and openness are the three most effective personality traits that respond to mental health app techniques [28]. Different features cater to different personality types, another emphasis on how important individualization is for a user's experience.
What is the biggest issue with these apps?
The biggest problem with the rapid increase of mental health apps is the lack of research in comparison. While there are many studies that support the use of mental health apps, there are limitations in how reliable they can be. One of the most common statements made within the conclusions of studies is that further research is needed within the field of mental health apps. Currently, mental health apps are competing based on aesthetics, not scientific evidence [14].